5-6 July 2024, Kåseberga & Ystad (SE)


GRAND OPENING ---------------------------- 17
Vernissage of the SUNPLUGGED group exhibition and artist talks with Kah Bee Chow, Tó Quintas, and Teatringestazione.

ART WALK ------------------------------------ 18
KÅSEBERGA BYAHUSET (starting point)
Guided walk through the exhibition artworks, concluding at the Ale’s stones.

PERFORMANCE ------------------------------ 19
Performance of Radiant Rebellion, site-specific work by Teatringestazione in collaboration with Studio Danza from Ystad.

PANEL TALK ---------------------------------- 13
Anthropologist Ruben Ritzén and artist Kate Moss on solar culture and creativity’s role in sustainable transitions in Southern Sweden.

PARALLEL WORKSHOPS ----------------- 13.30
Speculative fiction workshop with Ruben Ritzén on sunlight-inspired creative visions for a sustainable Österlen in 2045.

Visual poetry workshop with Kate Moss on sunlight-inspired meanings of contemporary life in Österlen.
Sunlight–art exhibition
Kåseberga, Outdoors
5-19 July 2024
by Kah Bee Chow
Stainless steel, glass, salt bricks, twine, birdfeed, water, cyanotype on silk, plants collected from Malmö and Ystad, ribbons, hooks, acrylic on wood, lacquer, scrap metal

Matahari* (Ystad) is conceived as a celebration of the life cycles and processes the sun generates, enlivens and nourishes. In Ale’s Stones, the structure is used as a bird feeder for the existing birds in the area, with water and seeds, as well as a drying rack for local plants and herbs. A low rack further away offers a grid of pink salt bricks to the grazing cows in the area. Matahari (Ystad) is imagined as a response to the local ecosystem and a way to co-exist with the animals which inhabit or pass through the Ale’s Stones surroundings.

Kah Bee Chow is a contemporary artist from Penang, Malaysia and Auckland, New Zealand, living and working in Malmö, Sweden.

*Matahari is the Malay word for the sun, composed of ‘mata’ meaning eye and ‘hari’ day in Malay to literally mean ‘eye of the day’.

Location: Kåseberga Byahusets (front garden)
by Tó Quintas
Sunlight, PCLIMAX-CE optic glass filter, metal, wood.

A fictional machine built to see the sun. Using materials common in the Swedish landscape, it reflects on the past importance, especially in ship navigation, of seeing the sun for survival. There are Nordic stories of a sunstone which allowed to see the sun even on cloudy days. Solarium lets us observe and photograph the sun, reflected in a mirror through a protection filter.

Instructions: Approach the artwork and remove the protecting cover from the wooden tail of the sea monster. Still holding the tail, steer the head and horns of the monster in the direction of the sun. When sunlight is passing through the metal horns of the sea monster, you may safely look in the mirror set horizontally at the end of the seas monster’s tail, and you will be able to see the sun without harming your eyes. When you are finished, put back the protecting cover.

Tó Quintas is a sculptor, scenographer and inventor based in Faro, Portugal.

Location: Ebba's Cafe (back field)
by Teatringestazione
Choreographed body movement, plexiglass, sourced sound.

A collective action that leaves a trace, a dramaturgy of bodies and space, in a combination of memory and imagination. The motion of the planets around the Sun is called ‘revolution’. Revolution is a daily ritual in our universe. We can do nothing when the sun goes out but live in a revolution every moment and surprise ourselves by being necessary to each other: every day, as long as we live, we try to shine. Revolution is radiant!

Instructions: Approach the golden disk and photograph the QR code at its centre. Using earbuds or headphones, listen to a sound artwork which is a legacy of "Radiant Rebellion: Turning Point", a site-specific performance for Ale’s stones, developed with young inhabitants from Ystad and South Sweden.

Teatringestazione, founded by the artists and curators Gesualdi | Trono, is a multidisciplinary performing art company since 2006 based in Naples, Italy.

Location: Ebba's Cafe (back field)
ALE’S STONES, CA 500-1000 CE
by Unknown
Granite and sandstone.

A megalithic monument: a 67-metre long stone ship, oval in outline, formed by 59 large boulders. The sun sets over the north west tip of the monument at midsummer, and rises at the opposite tip at midwinter. The meaning of the monument is disputed, with competing theories proposing it to be a grave monument, a cult centre, or a sun calendar. Today it is a tourist attraction receiving over 00.000 visitors a year, a majority during the summer season.

Location: Ale's stones
SUNPLUGGED - Sustainable Solar Rituals is a transnational sunlight art festival.

It invites artists and citizens to re-interpret old and contemporary relationships between people(s) and the sun, and gives form to new sustainable solar rituals in which artistic practices re-imagine new ways to power ecologically-resilient lifestyles and regenerative transition of socio-ecological systems.

Intangible and tangible sun-related heritages across Faro (Portugal), Ystad (Sweden) and Bari (Italy) will be activated with talks, walks, creative workshops, arts exhibitions, design competitions and conferences, in order to expand the concept of light art, transitioning it from an energy-intensive nighttime experience to a nature-based, energy-efficient experience accessible in urban and rural landscapes.
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