6-13 April 2024, Ystad (SE)
14-19 April 2024, Faro (PT)
6-12 May 2024, Bari (IT)
About the SUNPLUGGED Residencies
Between April and May 2024, the SUNPLUGGED artistic team mapped the local solar heritages of various locations: Ystad (April 6-13), Faro (April 13-19), and Bari (May 6-11). These weeks offered opportunities for each artist to freely explore, connect with one another, and engage with local rituals to explore the cultural meaning of sunlight in the lifestyles of local communities. Each week included time dedicated to research, exploration, visits, and networking with local traditions, artistic scenes, and festival venue hosts. At each location, the artistic team of SUNPLUGGED offered a series of creative workshops focused on cyanotype and sun printing techniques, lantern making, and collective theatre making. Have a look into what happened:
Our Artists
The artistic team for SUNPLUGGED 2024-25 is:
  • Tó Quintas
    sculpture, scenography
    Self-taught, set designer, model designer, airplane builder, visual artist, sculptor, inventor, he has the gift of transforming everything and making dreams come true. At his place of work, in Faro, Tó Quintas has brought to life several scenarios for various artistic collectives in the Algarve region.
  • Kah Bee Chow
    installation, performance
    Works with forms of enclosures in relation to animals and the human body, with close attention to particularities of space and site, through sculpture, video and text. She lives and works in Malmö, Sweden, and Penang, Malaysia. Chow received her MFA in 2012 from Malmö Art Academy.
  • Teatringestazione
    multidisciplinary performing art company
    Founded by the artists and curators Gesualdi | Trono, is a multidisciplinary performing art company. Their artistic action aims to subvert the everyday coordinates to inaugurate a space of crisis collective questioning. They work in national, international, independent, institutional, artistic, and social contexts.
Sustainable Solar Rituals
During the residencies, the artistic team, in dialogue with local communities and project partners, mapped a series of sustainable solar rituals with agency on human and non-human habitats, design and ecological transition, and solar economies. These rituals were explored as part of the SUNPLUGGED Festival in all locations.
Explore the Festival
SUNPLUGGED - Sustainable Solar Rituals is a transnational sunlight art festival.

It invites artists and citizens to re-interpret old and contemporary relationships between people(s) and the sun, and gives form to new sustainable solar rituals in which artistic practices re-imagine new ways to power ecologically-resilient lifestyles and regenerative transition of socio-ecological systems.

Intangible and tangible sun-related heritages across Faro (Portugal), Ystad (Sweden) and Bari (Italy) will be activated with talks, walks, creative workshops, arts exhibitions, design competitions and conferences, in order to expand the concept of light art, transitioning it from an energy-intensive nighttime experience to a nature-based, energy-efficient experience accessible in urban and rural landscapes.
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